Thursday, May 31, 2012

FTS teams up with Festival Stratford!

This Saturday Forest To Shore Gallery will be at the Stratford Main Street Festival from 10am-4pm helping to raise money for the Festival Stratford Organization.  Festival Stratford is a group of folks who promote and enhance the performing arts, culture, and tourism in the Town of Stratford.  FTS will be dishing out temporary tattoos for monetary donations, 100% of which goes straight to this killer cause.  For more information on Festival Stratford visit their website:
See you on Saturday!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

New Raquel Cude Zaps!

Take a gander at some of Raquel Cude's newest works.  If you stare too long you will be woka-visioned to a magical realm where Aesop will smother you in the finest most exotically intoxicating jams and have you devoured by the Big Bad Wolf while Richard Scarry characters are watching.  Have at it.

The Photo booth photos are here!

Thanks to Steve Walter and Cameron Hoefflinger the photo booth pics are finally edited from the FTS Gallery 1 year anniversary art show.  FTS holds no legal responsibility over any actions that may ensue after viewing said photographs.  All pics were snapped with the best intentions, some came out stellar- some creepy- some downright incriminating.  Take a look for yourself by clicking on the link below.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Dave Barton Guest Spot June 2nd-9th.

Dave Barton will be guest spotting at FTS Gallery from Saturday June 2nd to Saturday June 9th.  Be sure to contact FTS to book your appointment promptly.  This talented fellow will surely be booking quickly!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sunday Sunday Sunday in Bodymore Murderland

Another convention is in the books.  More stories to be regurgitated at future occasions.  This year at the Baltimore Tattoo Arts Convention we made a few more friends and made a few people sketched out via inappropriate banter.  All in all, twas a glorious expedition into the crazy world of the great tattoo show.  See ya Baltimore, and thanks for all the smiles.  COME ON!

This duck reps FTS harder than anyone
The Duke's new zap ala Pon from Tattoo Seen in the Bronx 
The lead singer of Skeletonwitch (not really but he is cool nonetheless.)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Saturday in the land of BallerMore

COME ON. The Baltimore fire marshall almost put us in a chokehold for taking up too much aisle space at the show. However, we told him how we are taking over the world- so he tapped out and said we were cool. Saturday's convention was zaptastic. Check some pics! We met Natty Bo' and watched a hot chick suspend from hooks pierced through her knees- another typical Saturday in B-More.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Friday fun day in Baltimore

Twas a great first day of Baltimore Tattoo Show. George zapped a killer phoenix, the crew ate breakfast around an indoor fire, and Mario indulged in whisky, beer, rum, vodka, and red wine. Here are some pics of FTS and the crew during our experience. Sorry for the shitty photo quality- my iPhone is the only means of picture taking as of the present moment. Trying to hook up a digital camera to my laptop should be an easy process, however, my monkey brain is struggling to do so- but I digress. Here are the pics:

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Baltimore Bound

Hey folks.  George "Big Mah Fuckin'" Perham and the Duke will be taking FTS Gallery on the road to the 9th smallest state in the union for the Baltimore Tattoo Arts Convention this weekend.  If there are any folks in the greater Baltimore area interested in getting tattooed by Georgie pants he still has a Saturday evening appointment open, feel free to email us at to let us know.  As usual we will keep you posted on the travels and hijinks at the show via photos and verbage on the blog.  Also raging the FTS booth with us is our good buddy and nomadic zapper Nathan "mah fuggin" Evans.  Raquel will be holding down the fort locally as we voyage to the mid-atlantic spreading some Forest To Shore cheer to our brothers and sisters of the "charm city."

Baltimore Tattoo Arts Convention

P.S.  Nathan Evans will be at FTS Gallery after the convention from Monday May 14th to Friday May18th zapping anyone who is down to get tattooed by the killer artist.  For those who don't know, Nate Evans is the king of tattooing "retarded" humanoids, animals, and otherworldly creatures.  Call, email, or swing by the shop to reserve your spot with Nathan.  Check some of the sick pics of said retarded creatures below--

These are his beautiful and majestic daughters, Kensington and Kosar.

Monday, May 7, 2012